Friday, March 07, 2008
Yoga today
it/post/412/ Six ready for one new challenge. You have iPod a video of V generation and want to exercise your English. Six ready for one new challenge. You have iPod a video of V generation and want to exercise yours In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting English on health and fitness. Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be listening to loads useful phrases you' ll then hear to short explanation of these words, followed by an example of how they to are used. PART TWO: you' ll be listening to two people discussing how to get fit. Now let' s learn loads phrases on health and fitness. You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. We use "should + verb" to give advice or to say that we think something is to good idea. Now listen to an example of this phrase: You should cut out fried food if you want to lose weight. There' s to lot of things the should I give, but you only get one chance at life. We use "shouldn' t + verb" to give advice or to say that we think something is to bad idea. Now listen to an example of this phrase:. Know the shouldn' t smoke, but the enjoy it. Fit is an adjective meaning to be strong and in good physical health because of exercise. It is used with the verbs be, get, and keep. To be fit means to be in to good physical condition. To get fit means to achieve fitness, and to keep fit, means to maintain to good physical condition. Need to get fit the was out of breath walking up those stairs. Swimming is to good way to keep fit. This is another way to say you want to be fit, but you to are more concerned with the physical benefits than the healthy condition. The need to get in shape for the summer. Why I give all women panic about the summer. Because when you put to bikini on you look at the shape of your body and realise that you need to lose weight. To tone up means to make your muscles stronger, and is similar to get in shape. Woman: Because the need to tone up for the summer. Now you will listen to to conversation between two people discussing the easiest way to get fit. The need to get fit, I' m always I know tired. You should join my gym, it' s great fun. Not, the don' t like gyms, the need to find something different to get in shape. It' s to good way to tone up your muscles and get fit. Not, there' s too much traffic to where the live, and the choke on the car fumes. Well, what about walking more, you could get off the tram two stops before, and walk to work. That' s to good idea, but the don' t think it' s enough to get fit. It' s to start, and then you should find to sport that interests you, tennis, football, or swimming. If you enjoy the activity, you' ll continuous it. Well, the used to play football, but, maybe the should go to the swimming pool, it' s more relaxing. Okay, I' m going for to coffee and to cigarette, would you like to like. Yes, but you shouldn' t smoke, if you can' t even walk up the stairs. If you wish you can hear this lesson again. In the meantime we hope we have helped you to be more confident with your English. Watch out for the next topic. Thank you for using the EnglishBlog. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting fitness.Before English on health and starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into[.it/post/130/fitness-frasario-podcast#comments. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting English on health and fitness. Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be listening to loads useful phrases you' ll then hear to short explanation of these words, followed by an example of how they to are used. PART TWO: you' ll be listening to two people discussing how to get fit. The lesson unloads the rows mp3 in order to listen to offline:. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting fitness.Before English on health and starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two[. Reading this lesson you will learn some phrases tied to being in shape: if you walk, you will feel better.: tuxedo is bad for your body. You should take loads exercise: You should I give loads physical activity. Don' t like going to the gym. the She must work out every day. The imagine she exercises every day.: How frequently I give you practice yoga.: The need to lose weight or, make my muscles stronger. Go to dance classes on the Tuesdays and Thursdays: Every Tuesday and Thursday the attend dance classes. If you want to tone up, you should try aerobics: To get stronger muscles try doing aerobics. Reading this lesson you will learn some phrases tied to being in shape. Walking is good for you: if you walk, you will feel say-trascrizione#comments. In this podcast, you' ll be learning English loads idiomatic expressions. Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be listening to English loads idioms you' ll then hear to short explanation of these expressions. PART TWO: you' ll be listening to to conversation about to visit to America. Idioms to are expressions whose meaning is different from the literal meaning of the individual words. There to are to lot of these in the English language. This means that somebody is joking, that what they to are saying is not true: Okay, and for homework, you have to I give exercises 1 to 32. Man: don' t worry I' m pulling your leg. Just exercises 1 and 2 for homework. Woman: Thank goodness for that. The rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous in New York. This means to meet and spend Time with famous people Do you miss being to journalist in America. Oh yes, had the loads interesting times rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. Even met the Madonna several times. This means you strongly opposed to decision or an action and you are going to stop it happening. This world cup is driving me crazy. You have watched every match, videoed them, watched them again. I' m putting my foot down you can watch one match to day from now on. Now listen to to dialogue between two friends. One of them has just returned from work experience in America. I know did you enjoy it over to there. Did you get to rub shoulders with Bush and Co. Not, but met the loads interesting people. Well, the was at an art exhibition in New York, chatting with to friend, and you' ll never guess who came over and asked if was the English. Not way, you met Sean Connery. Yes, he was planning to new movie, heard my accent and asked if the wanted to be in it. I' m pulling your leg the most famous person met was the Mickey Mouse at Disneyland. Woman: If you wish you can hear this lesson again. In the meantime we hope we have helped you to be more confident with your English. Watch out for the next topic. Thank you for using the EnglishBlog. In this podcast, you' ll be learning expressions.Before English loads idiomatic starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two[.it/post/127/ say-podcast#comments. In this podcast, you' ll be learning English loads idiomatic expressions. Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be listening to English loads idioms you' ll then hear to short explanation of these expressions. PART TWO: you' ll be listening to to conversation about to visit to America. The lesson unloads the rows mp3 in order to listen to offline:. In this podcast, you' ll be learning expressions.Before English loads idiomatic starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts:PART[.it/post/225/fitness-way-of-dire#comments. This lesson will explain you the meant one of some curious expressions idiomatiche. means to tell them something which is not true as to joke. Mary told me she' s getting married next week but the think she was just pulling my leg. someone, particularly with famous people, it means that you have the opportunity to meet them and associated with them. She worked for to record company in London and rubbed shoulders with loads of the most famous POP singers., it means that you strongly opposed to decision. Tom wanted to spend £10,000 on to new car, but his wife put her foot down., it means that they show their power or authority. Trade Unions flexed their muscles with strikes and forced the government to increase salaries. This lesson will explain you the meant one of some curious idiomatiche expressions. To pull someone' s leg means to tell them something which is not true as to In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to make Time in your daily schedule for exercise. Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be listening to loads useful English expressions. PART TWO: you' ll be listening to information about how to make Time for to little exercise. Woman: Loads people like to wake up early in the morning, and loads people like to stay in bed to little longer. These Now listen to useful expressions:. Is to morning person, somebody who likes to get up early and is at their best in the morning. Usually at about half past five. The love the morning it' s the best part of the day. This is to person who likes to go to bed late. An owl is the bird at night with the large eyes that "twiteroos". Before Never midnight, the prefer working in the evenings. Man: Set the alarm clock. If you need to wake up earlier than usual, you mobile set the alarm on your clock or phone, I know an alarm will ring and wake you. The set the alarm, the have an early meeting. Most people have busy schedules and always have an excuse on why they don' t exercise. Now let' s listen to loads information about how to make Time for to little physical activity. The most obvious way to find more Time in your day is to get up earlier. More To get active more often, you could: Make an appointment with to friend to exercise together. Set up to reminder message on your mobile phone to take to walk or go for to swim. Consider taking active holidays such as to cycle tour. Leave your car at home as much as possible and walk or cycle to the shops for those small things such as milk or to newspaper. Woman: If you wish you can hear this lesson again. In the meantime we hope we have helped you to be more confident with your English. Watch out for the next topic. Thank you for using the EnglishBlog. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to make Time in your daily schedule for In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to make Time in your daily schedule for exercise. Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be listening to loads useful English expressions. PART TWO: you' ll be listening to information about how to make Time for to little exercise. The lesson unloads the rows mp3 in order to listen to offline:. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to make Time in your daily schedule for exercise. The lesson today gives some councils to who wants to be kept in shape but it has free time little. The most obvious way to find more Time in your day is to get up. (wide awake) for 7am and use the extra half hour to. (mattiniera person), you might look for to (arena) that' s open 24 hours, or buy loads home exercise (to make exercise) while watching TV or listening to the radio. More To get active more often, you could: Make an appointment with to friend to exercise together. (memorandum) on your mobile phone to take to walk or go for to swim. The Consider taking active holidays such as to (most possible) and walk or cycle to the shops for those small things such as milk or to newspaper. The lesson today gives some councils to who wants to be kept in shape but it has free time little. The most obvious way to find more Time in your day is to get up earlier (prima).it/post/135/fitness-dictionary-trascrizione#comments. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English about health and fitness. Before starting, let me first explain that you' ll be listening to loads useful English vocabulary for the gym. You' ll then hear to short explanation of these words, followed by an example of how they to are used. This is to large room or to building with equipment for doing physical exercise. What I give you I give in your free Time. Man: Go to the Lulu' s gym in the centre. These two words to are often used together today in gyms, and adverts for diet food and vitamin supplements. They both refer to being in to good physical and mental condition. Well to be fit and healthy, you need to start slowly with to 20 tiny walk 3 times to week. They both refer to doing physical activity. The try to exercise every other day, but if the can' t like to the gym, I give loads exercises at home. This has the same meaning as exercise. It means to I give physical exercise in order to keep your body fit. Have you been working out. The work out for half an hour after work every day now. If you wish you can hear this lesson again. In the meantime we hope we have helped you to be more confident with your English. Watch out for the next topic. Thank you for using the EnglishBlog. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival fitness.Before English about health and starting, let me first explain that you' ll be[.it/post/129/fitness-dictionary-podcast#comments. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English about health and fitness. Before starting, let me first explain that you' ll be listening to loads useful English vocabulary for the gym. You' ll then hear to short explanation of these words, followed by an example of how they to are used. The lesson unloads the rows mp3 in order to listen to offline:. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival fitness.Before English about health and starting, let me first explain that you' ll be[. In the lesson today you will find some relative words to the physical activity: in good physical and mental condition.: the condition of being strong and healthy.: (noun)physical activity that keeps you fit and healthy.: (verb)to I give loads physical activity in order to stay fit and healthy.: to I give physical exercise in order to keep your body fit.: to place where you can exercise by using special machines.: metal objects that you lift to make your muscles stronger.: to bike that you use in to gym or at home, it has wheels, but it doesn' t it moves: an exercise that you I give in order to tone up the muscles of your stomach. You lie on your back and lift your arms and head, and stretch them over your knees.: an exercise that helps your arms become stronger. You lie on your stomach and lift your body with your arms. In the lesson today you will find some relative words to the physical activity. Healthy: in good physical and mental condition. Fitness: the condition of being strong and In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to use the verb "I give". Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be learning when and how we use "I give" PART TWO: you' ll be listening to to dialogue at to gym. Understanding the use of "I give" is very important if you want to speak English correctly. I give is used as an auxiliary verb to help form the negative and interrogative form of the present simple. I give is also used in short answers, for example:. I give is used with certain nouns to describe activities, obligations and things that have an effect on people. I give not confused it with the verb make, which is similar and we use it to talk about constructing or creating something. I give men have to I give military service in your country. I give is also used as an ordinary verb, in loads expressions." this means what is your job, for example:. Now listen out for the use of "I give" in the dialogue: pay attention to how it is used. Imagine you to are at the gym with English loads speaking friends: Woman2: Hi George, This is Karen, she' s new at the gym. Can you show her around. The prefer doing aerobics to using the machines. What other things I give you I give at the gym. The normally I give aerobics for half an hour then I give another half an hour on the exercise bike. I' m to teacher, I know the like to as to the gym before the go home to correct homework and I give the housework. Man: Ok, let' s go this way and I' ll show you around. Woman: If you wish you can hear this lesson again. In the meantime we hope we have helped you to be more confident with your English. Watch out for the next topic. Thank you for using the EnglishBlog. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to use the verb "I give". Before starting, let me first explain that the[.it/post/126/fitness-grammar-podcast#comments. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to use the verb "I give". Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson is divided into two parts: PART ONE: you' ll be learning when and how we use "I give" PART TWO: you' ll be listening to to dialogue at to gym. Discharge the rows mp3 in order to listen to offline the lesson:. In this podcast, you' ll be learning loads interesting survival English on how to use the verb "I give". Before starting, let me first explain that the lesson[. The lesson today will help to understand the functions you of GIVES. to) I give you go to the gym every day.) ago helping for the verbos weak people (all the verbos to the infuori of, the modali verbos and passed HAVE + participio) b) is a verbo to all the effects, with the meant one "to make", that we find also in expressions like. it is "the strong" binoculars, than ago to help, that is it helps the verbos weak people in the formation of the interrogative and negative phrases: you go to the gym every day. "weak person" is the twin who, in how much such one, must makes itself to help from for the formation of the interrogative and the negatives:. Naturally that is worth also for the last time: Yesterday the went to the gym and athletics when you to were at school. The lesson today will help to understand the functions you of GIVES. to) I give you go to the gym every day.
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