Friday, March 07, 2008

King Neptune Campground

Class Notes, Pacific Lutheran Scene, buzzer 2000 Edna (Trade Union of German Employees country) Haneberg pay home and moved into A new retirement ago home in Sandy, Ore. Shirley Savage Fadness died in June. She enjoyed gardening and traveling and which A of member OF the Pioneers OF Washington Association, Trinity Lutheran church and Martha Circle. She married John Fadness in 1938 and he preceded ago in death in 1976. Shirley is survived by ago daughter, Jenesi (Mike) Talbert. one granddaughter. and A more sister, Marilyn (Savage) Clark 57. Howard and Eugenia (Spencer) Kvinsland celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married on June 15, 1940, in Longview, wash-out, and have larva their home in of Bremen clay/tone, wash-out. Eugenia retired from teaching in 1972 and Howard retired as at administrator in 1974, both from the cent ral Kitsap (wash-out Their, Jon Kvinsland 63 and Nancy Roesch 66, hosted the children celebration. They have six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. After PLU, Arthur graduated from the University OF Washington in 1942 and from the University OF Oregon Medical School in 1945. He served his internship and residency RK Tacoma General Hospital and went tons work in of Bremen clay/tone, wash-out. He served into the Army as A captain during the Korean was and, following his service, he worked as A general more practitioner until his retirement in 1985. Arthur which chief OF staff RK Harrison hospital from 1972 tons of 1974, president OF the Kitsap County (wash-out.) Medical Society and Chairman OF Kitsap Physicians service. He which A of member OF Our Saviour.s Lutheran Church, the Lions club and the American CAN cerium Society. Arthur is survived by his wife OF 57 years, Marguerite. A son, Tom. A more daughter, Karen. and five grandchildren. Melvin Sinex which named Auburn (wash-out Astrid (Anderson one) mobilizationred died on February She which A more teacher for more over 33 years into the Tacoma, East Stanwood and Edgemont schools. She married Elmer mobilizationred in 1945, who preceded ago in death in January. They attended Mount Zion Lutheran Church, where they had met. Astrid which A more member there for 75 years. Recently they had transfer-talk their membership tons of Pilgrim Lutheran Church. She is survived by ago three daughters, Ingrid Ruble (Edgar Jr.), Iral Toven 66, and Nadine Hanson 73 (Ross). seven grandchildren, including Michelle Hanson 01. and two great grandchildren. Walter Braafladt is the new music director RK Cordova (Calif. He is A retired music more teacher from the San Juan and Sacramento school districts and is on accomplished musician, playing several instrument. Walter.s wife, Jean-nice, is thus A molder San Juan school district teacher and is currently on organist RK the Celtic CROSS Presbyterian Church. They have three adult children. Dale Hansen is A retired high school counselor and civil more engineer. She which A retired more teacher from the Edgemont and Hilltop schools., and which A of member OF Sumner Presbyterian Church since 1919. She which preceded in death by son, Robert and is survived by two grandchildren ago. Donald Reiman, molder Q club president/director died on April 23, 2000. Reiman graduated from the School OF Business and which A steadfast supporter OF Pacific Lutheran University. Don and Janet of acres parents OF three children, Mark of 79, Laura (Rothenberger) 77 and Matthew. Barbara (Carstensen) Thorp died on April 18. After PLU, Barbara taught second degrees into the Franklin Pierce (wash-out.) School District for more over 20 years. She which A of member OF Trinity Lutheran Church and gave much time ton of Trinity.s Food pantry. helping those in need. Barbara and ago husband OF 47 years, David 53, enjoyed traveling more together. She is survived by ago husband. more daughter, Deanna Nowadnick 76 (Kurt). son, David Jr. Beverly Bancroft is the director OF curriculum and Instruction technology into the South talking Ford School District in talking Ford, Mich. She of continues ton implement Effective Schools/School Effects research into schools and districts. Luella Vig Hefty and franc Edward were married on June 24 in Inc. helium, wash-out. Don Gaarder retired early after 30 years as A Lutheran minister and went tons work with Woodman Accident and Life. He recently pay his Business ton of bank west but wants continue with them, part time, as A consultant. Don of serves as president OF cent ral South Dakota Life Underwriters. He thus spends much time as A more volunteer with the developmentally disabled as vice president OF Oahe Inc. and of secretary treasurer OF the Association for Retarded Chapters. His wife, Alta (Prestbye 55), is in second year OF retirement ago from teaching. She of serves as president OF the Pierre AREA Retired Teachers Association. Alta enjoys stitchery, quilting and yard work. They both enjoy time-sheds traveling, their daughters. families and grandsons. Elwood Rieke retired from parish ministry into the case OF 1999. Carol Hintze and mild-talk Brammer, along with eight others, traveled tons of India and Nepal in November. They looked for tiger but instead found many temples and A fire more eater. They thus flew in A small flat tons view Mt. Beverly (Smith) Stump is enjoying grandchildren ago during ago retirement. She spends six weeks OF the year she where in Hawaii thus sing in A Hawaiian church choir. Yvonne Deitz retired in June, after of 40 years OF teaching into the Coeur d.Alene, Idaho, public school system. Thomas Reeves wants A guest speaker RK A conference sponsored by the University OF Illinois RK Chicago in October. The conference, on the decaying Presidency: FDR ton of Clinton, wants hero three weeks prior ton the 2000 presidential election. Thomas's is A professor OF history RK the University OF Wisconsin, Parkside. In addition ton attending PLU, Rosalie thus went ton the Lutheran Bible of institutes and Eastern Washington University. She taught into the Ephrata (wash-out Rosalie loved ton travel and many trips included the Holy country, Germany, Alaska, Hawaii, and throughout ago the continental United States. She is survived by A more sister, A, five nieces and nephews and two grandnieces and one grand nephew. Charles Zuber is in his seventh year OF teaching technology RK pc. He previously taught in the Bellevue (wash-out Joanne (Chalk) Uppendahl retired in June after serving with the Child Guidance Clinic since 1986. She of plan ton return ton private practice into the case. Jon mark min which elected president OF the Peninsula (wash-out He fulfill this role wants take A leave from teaching tons. After PLU, Albert served in Viet Nam and retired as A major from the 6250 th And He then returned tons of PLU and worked as the director OF financial aid for 20 years before going tons of Northwest college where he retired as A computers program more mer. Albert is survived by his wife, Laurie. and sons, Todd, Tracy, Leif and Olin. Sandra (Fredekind) Hansen and George Baker were married on February franc Spera has retired in Stuart, Fla., after 33 years in new jersey public education. Andy Aadland has A new position as commanding general OF the And Army Maneuver support center and as commandant OF the And Army Engineer School in away Leonard Wood, Mo. This of includes A graduation ton the climb OF major general. He which previously brigadier general and director OF Officer Personnel management with the And Jill long Peterson which A finalist into the 2000 TOP (Teacher Outstand ing performance) competition into the Anoka hen pin (Minn. There of acres 2.500 teachers district into the. This is the college.s highest teaching honor. Rich is on leave for the case 2000 terms tons complete two books. Curt Pearson retired from the And air Force as A colonel into the Medical service Corps. He served nearly 30 years as A hospital administrator in many, worldwide locations. His read assignment which as the administrator OF the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research of institutes in Bethesda, MD Curt is married tons of Svea (Swanson 70) and they have three children, Eli, Erin, and Brita. Their retirement home is in San Antonio, Texas. Cathy (Corn) Dormaier and husband, Denny, have recently moved onto three acres with A beautiful view OF Mt. She has been ago on educator for 29 years, the read seven as A school principal. Phyllis Lile Krage died on March 3. She retired in 1991 from A teaching career RK Edgemont and Ballou junior High School in Puyallup, wash-out. She had remained active in ago church, devoted tons of Christian education and the choir. Phyllis is survived by ago husband, Willis. A son, Tom. A more daughter, Vicki. and four grandchildren. For those OF you who didn.t make it ton the reception because OF the cattle car turning more over, the marriage has lasted. Ron and Phyllis (Weaver) Jacobson celebrated their 25 th wedding anniversary on May 10. Ron of does A plumb bob OF hiking with anyone who wants join him. Phyllis enjoys ago bird more feeder into the baking yard and of makes baskets. Dan and Wendy (Wilcox 75) Neptun live in Pembroke Pines, Fla., where Wendy is working on A master.s degree in only-sing (family nurse more practitioner) through to A distance education program RK the State University OF New York RK Stony Brook. Dan received A master.s degree in military history, economics and strategic planning from the Naval was college in new haven, R. They have three sons. Benjamin, graduated from Cumberland college, Williamsburg, Ky., on May 6. Kenneth, completed his sophomore year RK the And and science in music and computer play lacrosse. Paul Lutheran Church in Weston, Fla. Dan is treasurer OF A Boy Scout Troop and Wendy is band nurse/chaperone. OF the Flanagan High School marching bound. They hope ton hear from their PLU friends. William Rudolph.s more daughter, Kerry, graduated from the college OF William and Mary in Virginia. His son, honours, is A junior RK the University OF Wisconsin, Madison, and A research assistant on the diabetes research project into the department OF biochemistry. She has A new book, Becoming ME: A Journey Towards Self Discovery for the Child, Adolescent and Adult.. Ago fifth book, The Odd plumb bob: Raising Unusual Animals. wants available this winters. James Fladland recently moved tons of Williamsport, Penn. John Bennett is the Libertarian candidate running for the sixth congressional seat in Washington state. He is emphasizing A return tons government limited by the Constitution. Connie (Burau) Brewington and husband, Craig, moved tons of Oregon, where Craig has A new position as superintendent ago OF Warrenton Public Schools. Connie is substitutes teaching while pursuing A full time teaching job. She has been with the hospital since 1982 and has focused on cardiovascular patient care for the past five years. Mark of and Ingrid (Johannessen) Albee.s oldest son, Hans, completed his roofridge year RK Dartmouth college. Their youngest son, Peter, completed his freshman year OF high school. Mark is managing farm and woodlot quietly for the Chewonki Foundation and Ingrid is the health care coordinator. The Albees live in Wiscasset, Maine. After PLU, Nancy earned A master.s degree into developmental psychology from the University OF Manchester, in England, as A Rotary Scholar. She which A manager OF training RK the And Environmental training of institutes, A of member OF the Friends OF the national Symphony Orchestra and the national Presbyterian Church in Washington, D, and she volunteered with Habitat for Humanity. Nancy.s interests included travel, camping, hiking, genealogy, and gourmet cooking. She is survived by ago parents, Robert and Delores Meader, and A of sister and. David Pierce has A new position as director OF development OF the La Jolla (Calif. He has lived in San Diego since 1986 and which previously the development coordinator OF Vista Hill Foundation for nine years. He has thus worked as at editor RK Harcourt Brace publishing. Judy (Smith) Campbell and ago husband, Tom, announce the birth OF Anna Luisa, on May 31. Judy owns Campbell Consulting, A public relation and recruiting company with clients including StairMaster and. Kriste (Krahmer) Eros and ago husband, Terry, announce the birth OF twins, Katherine Elizabeth and Nicholas Jayson, on June 5. Kriste is A human resource manager RK Intel Corp. Susan (Vaughan) Moshofsky and husband, board, announce the birth OF Reed William, on Dec. Jean Johnson and Rick DeWitt were married on Oct. Jean is A substitute of teacher and the organist ago, pianist and choir director RK Shepherd OF the Valley church in Maple Valley, wash-out. Lynn Bandy large graduated from the physician.s assistant program RK the University OF Washington Medical School in August 1999. She now practices family medicine in Maple Valley, wash-out. Jane Kinkel of announces the birth OF Hannah, on March 21. Jane is the college relation specialist RK Amazon. Julie Ertel is A kindergarten more teacher in A North Gresham (Ore. She has three sons. Chris, 15. Jacob, 13th and nod, 12. They attend Easthill Foursquare Church where Julie is active into the worship ministry. Guy Ellison is A Lutheran Brotherhood district representative with the Great Northwest Agency in Seattle. He recently earned membership into the fraternal benefit society.s President.s club. Only 11 by cent OF representatives nationwide qualify for membership in this club. Janet (Smith) Cooper and ago husband, Anthony Leo, announce the birth OF larva LINE Eloise, on April 20. Maria (Meyer) murder which featured in the versus Costa Times, A San Francisco Bay AREA news PAPER, on May 6. The article told OF the challenges she has faced and how she overcame them with grace and courage. She of continues working as A nurse and which recently promoted ton the position OF nurse case managers OF cardiac rehablitation services RK Mt. Tanna (Bahadursingh) Forbes and ago husband, Raymond, announce the birth OF Raymond deVere, on February Tanna is A registered nurse with Mercy Healthcare in Sacramento, Calif. Carl Bjornstal completed his third season as the assistant girl.s nearly pitch coach RK Prescott High School. He which previously assistant on RK the University OF Wisconsin, River of case, for six seasons. John Lesko has chosen as the NEXT principal OF been his alma mould, DeSales Catholic School in Walla Walla, wash-out. He currently teaches social studies, math and religion, heads the school.s religion department, is the athletic director and coaches gulf. He which previously assistant on principal, middle school coordinator and hero various coaching position. The Walla Walla union bulletin of quotes him as saying, The kids acres going through A journey, society throws A plumb bob OF stuff RK kids quickly. Incoming goods have ton educate them the best incoming goods CAN, and thus give them the faith formation ton make the best decisions they CAN. John and his wife, Rosalie, have one child, Molli. Dave Coltom is A Lutheran Brotherhood district representative with the Great Northwest Agency in Seattle. He recently earned membership into the fraternal benefit society.s Executive club. Only 14 by cent OF representatives nationwide qualify for membership in this club. Jeff Eastby received A master OF public administration degree from the University OF Washington on June 9. He thus received on accompanying certificate OF study in global trade, transportation, and logistics. On June 1, he which promoted ton the position OF transportation officer RK the Defense Contract management agency office in Bellevue, wash-out. Mike McNamara left the air Force after five years as chief OF orthopaedics RK Elmendorf air Force cousin in Alaska. He is now into private practice in Everett, wash-out, as A hand and more upper extremity surgeon. He and his wife, Joanne, live in Snohomish. Richard Carter is the new superintendent into the Walla Walla (wash-out He which previously the superintendent into the White Salmon (wash-out, before moving ton the Olympic Peninsula, where he which A part time of teacher and playground supervisor. Richard and his wife, Nancy, have two children. Karstin Weik and matt Kliewer were married on June 17 RKS pc. Luke.s Lutheran Church in Federal Way, wash-out. Karstin is A of fifth degrees more teacher into the Auburn School District and matte works RK Boeing CO Tracy Gayle and bound, Wildflower ago, recently produced A Christian music CD. Included of acres A few alternative skirt style songs written by Tracy. The group showcases their material RK club and of coffeehouses around Los Angeles. Don Gaines which recently invited tons join the board OF the Independent college OF Washington. He is the of treasurer OF Puget sound Energy. Mark of Christofferson and his wife, Nanette, announce the birth OF Thea far, on May 30. Ann Thielke has A new position as associate attorney OF health law RK Strasburger and Price in Houston, Texas. She received ago law degree from Ohio State University in 1998. The firm OF Strasburger and Price has law offices in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, Texas, and Mexico town center. Melanie (Steen) Billingsley and ago husband, Terence, announce the birth OF their more daughter, Makenna Finley, on March 31. Carol Politte has A new position as at information technology recruiter RK macro search in Bellevue, wash-out. She which previously RK Puget sound Energy for 13 years where she gained experience in information of system and communications project management. Bonnie king received A master OF kind degree from the Oregon college OF Oriental Medicine medicine into acupuncture and oriental. She is licensed by the state OF Washington ton practice traditional Chinese medicine and has opened A practice into ago home in Vancouver, wash-out. Thomas Trinneer and his wife, Andrea, announce the birth OF Sarah Frances, on Dec. Thomas has A new position as vice president OF DATA product development RK AT&T Wireless services in talking moon, wash-out. Mary Eileen (Moser) Blair and ago husband, Christopher, live in case town center, wash-out, with their three children, Caitlin, 12, Tristan, 5, and Cameron, 2. Mary Eileen is A special education more teacher into the Issaquah School District. She is thus working on ago administrative credentials. Christopher is A pilot with Kenmore air Harbor. David and Kendra (Ruud 87) Mills have two, Dallas, 6, and Haley, 2 children. David is A lead tech writer RK Microsoft Corp. and Kendra is A child more herder/wrangler. Angela (Ries) Steiner and ago husband, Peter, announce the birth OF Joshua Joseph, on May 3. Stephen Smith has joined Columbia bank as senior vice president and operation managers. He which previously with Cascade bank in Everett, wash-out. David and Ruth Foster Koth have two, Noah, 3 and Leah, 1 children. Ruth is on oncology social worker RK the University OF Washington Medical center and David is A material estate attorney, working towards his CFP. Lisa Pollman received A master OF kind degree from the University OF San Francisco studies in Asia Pacific. While in San Francisco, she hero four separate Pacific Rim focused internships, and which awarded the union bank Research Fellowship for 1999-2000. Lisa returned ton the Seattle AREA into late July ton pursue A more career in East west relation and internationally trade. Beth (Pearson) Shepard and ago husband, Jim, announce the birth OF Nicholas, on June 29. Beth is the education coordinator RK Auburn regionally Medical center. Richard Lovely which promoted ton the position OF general manager OF the Grays Harbor (wash-out Susan Callahan and ago husband, Dan, announce the birth OF Grace Callahan Sewell, on March 30. Susan is A more teacher into the Montgomery County Public Schools in Washington, D Karin (Lund) LaPierre and husband, Deon, announce the birth OF Christian Alexander, on February Karin is taking time off from job as A physical therapist tons stay RK home with children ago ago ago. Deon is on electrical engineer RK NEPCO in talking moon, wash-out. They of live into the Lake stevens AREA. Nancy (Andrew) Clark and ago husband, Bret, announce the birth OF their roofridge child, Ian Romaine, on May 8 in Anchorage, Alaska. Mary Ailes and Pradeep Barrio were married on March 18 in Spokane, wash-out. Mary is assistant professor OF history RK the University OF Nebraska RK Kearney and Pradeep is assistant thus on on professor OF history. Adam and Maria (Wienhold) Raynes announce the birth OF Jared Nathaniel, on February Adam is A survey assistant with the state OF Alaska. Keith Sippola is A district representative OF Aid Association for Luther to. He received the million-dollar Roundtable award, which places him representatives insurance into the top 5 by cent OF. He and his wife, Marjorie (Britton 90), live in Napa, Calif., with their four children, Gunnar, 6, Hanna, 4, Kaarl, 3, and Evaliisa, 1. Janice (Paulson) Worman and ago husband, Jim, announce the birth OF Cade, on April 24. Janice received A master OF reading and LANGUAGE kind degree from Seattle Pacific University in June. Jay and Krista (Aronson 90) Bates announce the birth OF Emma Joy, on June 5. Mike and Kathrine (Bowles 87) Tuiasosopo recently moved tons of Reno, Nev. Mike coaches football RK the University OF Nevada and Kathy of teaches high school kind. They have two children, Lanea, 3, and Maya, 2. Tina (Olson) Brekke moved from Oslo, Norway, ton the Washington, D She is bake RK work into the internationally shipping and transportation industry after staying RK home with ago two children, larva line and Lukas. Heidi Desteunder received A master.s degree in education from cent ral Washington University. Mali Ponnikas and Jeffrey Mayor were married on Dec. Mali has worked for Gannett CO for eight years and is currently the market development director OF the Californian news PAPER in Salinas, Calif. Todd and Lisa Dean Erlander and their son, Peter, moved tons of Boise, Idaho, in June ton closer tons family, skiing and sunshine. Todd is A of ninth degrees math teacher RK North junior High into the Boise School District and Lisa of continues ton stay home with Peter. Gratia (Stolee) bar clay/tone and ago husband, Jeff, announce the birth OF Lucas Zachariah, on April 20. Gratia has been working for Arthur Andersen CO since graduation and want return tons work part time in August. OD and Kami (Beeler) style-wave announce the birth OF Clara, on May 26. David and Julie (Schlumberger) Carlile announce the birth OF Chad Allan, on July 6. Julie is at engineering manager RK the air Force Research Laboratory RK Edward's air Force cousin, Calif., and David is at engineer RK Lockheed Martin Corp. Jon Funfar, the production managers RK pro video in Seattle, earned the title OF Certified legally video Specialist from the national Court of reporter Association. The classes were hero in Washington, D Heidi Hester is in ago second year RK Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. She wants participating in Sojourn 2000, A youth ministry focusing on combining artistically gifted youth and service projects. Hannah (Stupak) stere completed A doctorate distinguished thesis award in December, the in clinical psychology and received. She is now A psychologist resident into the Sherwood School District and RK Agape Youth and Family Ministries. Hannah and ago husband, Robert, recently moved tons of 20 acres in Hillsboro, Ore., where they hope ton plans A vineyard. Michelle Calhoun and Craig getting Ford were married on July 10, 1999, in Bloomington, Minn., and went tons of Jamaica for the honeymoon. Gretchen details 92 which into the wedding party. Michelle has A new position as the business/education partnership coordinator with School District 191. Kelly (Crosslin) Frere and ago husband, Chris, announce the birth OF their more daughter, Bailee, on May 15. Chuck and Jessica (Andrew) liver live in Seattle. Jessica received A teaching certificate from the University OF Washington, Bothell. She of plan ton teach fifth degrees. Chuck is A of sales and leasing consultant RK University Volkswagen. Youlander Hilton which nominated for the Rotary Foundation Ambassa dorial Scholarship in new haven news, Va. She is enrolled into the leadership and of policies educational administration doctoral program RK Virginia Tech University. Scott Faulkner began his position as artistic manager OF the Reno Chamber Orchestra (RCO) in July. Tonya (Hoiness) Kalfell and ago husband, Reece, announce the birth OF Grayson W. Scott and Kris (Barry) moorland announce the birth OF Robert Andrew, on June 23. Eric Cultum and his wife, Sandy, announce the birth OF Andrew Jacob North, on April 6, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Russell Rice recently returned from A month long route OF Europe with 50 high school students. He is in his third year OF teaching English RK offer-brightly (wash-out.) High School, where he is thus the yearbook advisor and A TRACK coach. Steve Sporre plays into the bound, I TO. They recently had two songs included on the compact disk, ChristianMP3. Scott and Jacquelyn (Adam) Soderling and their son, Ben, moved ton haven country, Ore. Scott and Jackie of acres conducting research RK the Vollum of institutes OF the Oregon Health Sciences University. Jon Piliaris and Catina Brady were married on February, and Catina is employed by Escrow network, both in Bellevue, wash-out. Marcus Heard is into his second year University OF Washington the into the MBA program RK. She of shares the honor with 16 OTHER South sound AREA educators. To She of plan ton donate the award stipend in New York. Lesley of teaches elementary music into the South Kitsap School District. Bob and Kris (Pommerenke 90) seed-hope acres happy tons bake into the Northwest after living in away Collins, Colo. Bob has A new position as at engineer and Kris has A new position as A procurement specialist, both RK HEWLETT-PACKARD Corp. They of acres excited about their new opportunities and new home. Their more daughter, Jessica, 17 months, is enjoying ago new day school. He took COMMAND OF A Co/44 th signal Battalion in Grannheim, Germany, on April 21. Scott and his wife, Birgit 94, and their daughters, Helena and Rebecca, acres living in Birgit.s hometown. Elizabeth (Loomis) Glabe and husband, Scott, announce the birth OF Noah Scott, on Nov. Michelle Jackson spent ago 1999 conducting research in Seville, Spain. When she returned, she completed ago master.s degree University OF Washington the in education RK. Michelle of continues as A Spanish of teacher and TRACK coach into the Mukilteo (wash-out.) School District where she has been for seven years. Erica handle is A market analyst into the telecom industry. She recently bought ago roofridge home into the California gold country. Kerri (Derning) wheel Ford and ago husband, Neil, announce the birth OF Jessica Lynn, on April 27. Kerri is on early childhood special education more teacher for Lincoln (Neb. She is taking time off ton A stay RK home mom. He is teaching naval engineering RK the University OF Nebraska, Lincoln, Naval ROTC program. Kyle Kupp and his wife, Kendra, announce the birth OF their more daughter, McKenna, on March 7. Kyle is A school counselor and Kendra is A of second degrees more teacher, both into the East Valley School District in Yakima, wash-out. Mary Walker has A new position as principal OF Sedro Woolley (wash-out She which assistant previously the principal RK Sumner (wash-out Lisa (Aune) furnace hole and ago husband, Michael, announce the birth OF Abigail Jane, on June 22. Lisa is the customer service center director with the And general services administration in Anchorage, Alaska. Jason mangold and his wife, Karen, announce the birth OF Katie, on Sept. Jason is A software/hardware test of engineer RK Microsoft Corp. John Larkin is assistant on professor OF physics RK Augustana college in Sioux of case, S. He recently completed his roofridge year OF teaching. Jennifer Trimble and grant Morgan were married in A civil ceremony on November. 2, they renewed their vows before friends and family in San Diego. Kari (Olson) resound to 93 and Kelly Hoeckelberg Young 93 were into attendance. Jennifer defended ago thesis in November and received A pH in molecular and cellular biology from the University OF Massachusetts, Amherst, in February. Grant is A research scientist RK Allergan Inc. Jonene (zinne) Bernhardt and ago husband, Todd, announce the birth OF Alicia Marie, on September when she which fount, but is now A healthy 15 lbs. Jay and Robin (Buck) Evans announce the birth OF Kaylee Ann on June 2. Leah is again working for American express where she implements purchasing card and epurchasing solutions for large market clients. Scott and Naomi (Witham 95) Welborn announce the birth OF Anya Elise, on May 1. Catherine (Johnson) Mulhall which accepted, with advanced standing, ton the masters OF social work program RK Catholic University in Washington, D ago husband, Brian, is pursuing A fellowship in gastroenterology RK walter Reed Medical center. The two hope tons return ton the Northwest after completing their programs. Cynthia (Jardine) Kratochvil is A registered nurse RK pc. She works throughout the hospital in medical and surgical only-sings. Lisa which recently admitted ton the legally nurse consulting program RK Kaplan college. Legally nurse consultants acres in that and by law firms, insurance companies and health care organizations. She of hopes ton eventually open A crisis centers for youth. Lisa has two sons, Shaine, 12, and Shawn, 5. Kari Anderson one is the director OF marketing RK TAPCO Credit union in Tacoma. She thus is the new program director OF the PLU ski team. Kim (Nirk) Waterstraat and ago husband, John, announce the birth OF Nicholas Mitsuoka, on April 2. Kim received A master.s degree OF absence leave in curriculum and Instruction with technology emphasis from Lesley college in May She is taking A from teaching tons A stay RK home mom. Kristi Coats and Brad Hartman were married on September, and Brad is assistant on production manager RK. Kristi would love tons hear from old PLU friends, 206-283-8381. Michael Morgan joined the firm OF MacDermid Liebert and Morgan, P., attorney and counselors RK law, in Silverdale, wash-out. He received A juris doctor degree from Seattle University in May 1999 and passed the bar exam in July 1999. John Haines is A missionary English of teacher RK the Kyushu Gakkuin Lutheran School, ELCA, in Kumamoto, Japan. He previously taught English in Mifune, as part OF the JET program. Jerilyn Dunlap and Marc Hander were married on January Shannon (Reed) Boldt 95 which the matron OF honor. Jerilyn is the youth director RK universe Saints Lutheran Church and Marc is A senior RK Luther Seminary where he is working on A master OF divinity degree. Jennifer (Dyer) Dietrich received A doctor OF medicine degree from the Medical college OF Wisconsin on May 20. She and ago husband, Craig, wants move ton of Houston where Jennifer wants begin ago obstetrics/ gynecology residency RK Baylor college OF Medicine. in physiology and biophysics from the University OF Washington in January. He has thus completed his third year OF medical school. He and his wife, Kathleen Lachata Oakley 92, and their son, Christian, live in Seattle. By and Lisa (Johnson 91) cheeks announce the birth OF their son, hatch Alexander, on Nov. Jim Shapiro has A new position as executive director OF development RK CRISTA Ministries in Seattle. He is thus A head coach RK King.s High School. Jim has two children, Gracia, 4, and Atley, 1. Bente bar country and Geirulv Lode 90 announce the birth OF gate Magnus on Dec. Kelly Burk has A new position as director OF administration RK Security aviation Inc. She is responsible for accounting, human resources, information of system and client relation. She has more than 16 years OF professional experience in financial management, administration and consulting. David and Jen (Seim) Gamon announce the birth OF Aislin Claire, on June 6. David is A of teacher RK Northwood Middle School in Mead, wash-out. Amy Brizee has been A community justice more officer for Deschutes County Juvenile in Bend, Ore. Jenny Gilbert and Jerome of State of were married in January. Jenny is the recreation coordinator RK fair Oaks (Calif. Jerome is at installer RK Butler Heating and air Rachael Gunn received A master.s degree in social work in 1999 and began working as A freelance social more worker. David and Jennifer (Evans) Wallin quietly live in Maryland. Recently they moved tons of Bowie when Jennifer accepted A position with BBL Sciences in Annapolis. David continues ton work for IBM Corp. into the export regularization office, in downtown Washington, D in clinical psychology from San Diego University in May Mike and Kristen (Buckley 96) Lee announce the birth OF their son, grant, on April 25. Kristen is A more teacher in A bilingual Spanish class in Kennewick, wash-out. Mike covers environmental issues for the tri town center Herald. Theresa (Lyso) room received A master.s degree into education from the University OF Washington in June. She and ago husband, Tom, have moved into their new home in Vancouver, wash-out. Theresa is A middle school French of teacher and Tom is A middle school technology coordinator, both into the Vancouver School District. Rod Nash and Mindy DeJong were married on May 8, 1999, in Woodinville, wash-out. Rod is A Young Life AREA director and Mindy is assistant on administrator RK A plumbing company. Rebecca Lachenmaier graduated from the University OF Washington School OF Medicine in June and moved tons of Spokane, wash-out, ton begin ago internal medicine residency. Shelby Hanna and Aaron Slagle were married on February Lisa (Johnson) Trombley 96, Kristen (Kvamme) Moody 97, Wendi Garrison 97, Michael Chunn 96, and Jeremy Crowe 96 were into the wedding party. Aaron is A graphic designer RK ICOM America in Bellevue, wash-out, and Shelby works in marketing RK Horizon mentally Health RK Valley General Hospital. Chrystie Hill is A graduate assistant RK the University OF Washington School OF LIBRARY and information Science. She received A master.s degree from Sarah Lawrence college in 1999. Christian Marien received A master OF divinity degree from Luther Seminary on May 21 RKS cent ral Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. As part OF his degree requirements, Christian served as RK pc. John Lutheran Church and Pohai Nani Retirement center in Kailua, Hawaii, more under the guidance OF the Rev. He has been internally on assigned ton the Sierra Pacific Synod OF the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Kelly Crithfield received A master OF divinity degree from Luther Seminary on May 21 RKS cent ral Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. As part OF his degree requirements, Kelly served as at internally RK King OF Glory Lutheran Church in Boise, Idaho, more under the guidance OF the Rev. He wants go through regionally assignment in Septembers. Sokhorn Yim completed the 3-2 program with A bachelor OF science degree in chemical engineering RK Oregon State University in 1998. He is A process development of engineer RK Chiron, A biotech company. He is helping tons develop A method tons purify drugs for diseases including HIV and ms. Sokhorn of lives into the Northern Bay AREA OF California with Rob Rainwater. Rob is A process engineer RK Chevron Technologies. Christal Nicolai is A special education instructor RK Olympic college in Shelton, wash-out. She and ago husband, Eric, have two daughters, Madison, 3, and Maya, 1. Dwayne Korthuis Smith and his wife, Wendy, announce the birth OF Claire Elise, on May 2. RK Seattle University in June and Dwayne which promoted tons of A pilot slot with the Washington State Patrol. Deana Wilson is the new president OF PLUS Business, PLU.s alumni Businesses association. She is the managers OF audit and financial trends into the corporate credit office RK the Boeing CO Deanna which the president OF beta alpha psi when she which RK PLU. Dallas Hargrave received A master OF public administration degree from the University OF Alaska in May He is now attending law school RK the University OF Denver, Colo., while working as Federal aviation administration in Denver, the at aviation safety technician with. Cindi Brown recently moved bake tons of Vancouver, wash-out. She is A registered nurse into perioperative services RK Oregon Health Sciences University in haven country, Ore. Holly Troxell and Andy Collingwood were married on July 2 in Estes park, Colo. They make their home there. Phyllis Sophia Grande McManus died on February Shirley Savage Fadness died in June. Astrid (Anderson one) mobilizationred died on February Emily (Hallan) Parker died on May 6. Phyllis Lile Krage died on March 3. She which A of member OF Harrison hospital Auxiliary, PEO, the Republican Women.s club, and which A precinct committeewoman. Edith which preceded in death by ago husband, Clifton, and ago more daughter, Sandra (Benson) Bergman 70. She is survived by sons, Roger 68 and Philip 71. five grandchildren, including Marnie Gibbs 94 and Monte Gibbs 86. and three great grandchildren ago. Professor Emeritus Emmet Eklund died on August He came ton of PLU in 1964 as chair OF the religion department and remained RK the university for 18 years. He is survived by his wife, Marion. two children, Kent and Joan. four grandchildren. and three great grandchildren. John which the yearbook advisor RK PLU into the late 60s and early 70s. He is survived by his wife OF 33 years, Donna. three daughters, three sons and four grandchildren. in physics and mathematics from Concordia college in Moorhead, Minn. into mathematics from the University OF Nebraska and accepted A position RK Boeing CO Paul and his wife, Norita 56, were married in 1958. In 1970 Paul left Boeing ton teach mathematics and computer science RK PLU, returned tons of Boeing in 1982 and retired in 1991. Paul is survived by his wife. son, Stephen (Helen). more daughter, Cynthia (Atsuyuki). and three grandchildren. Professor Emeritus Gunnar mark min died on July 23, RK the age OF 97. He came ton of Pacific Lutheran college in 1937 as choir director and taught both Latin and Norwegian during his 32-year tenure. He is survived by his more sister, Marie Meyer, his four children, Olaf 62, Jon 63, Ann, and David and six grandchildren. Brenda worked for more over 20 years as A student service representative RK PLU. Josephine (Rulison) Olsen died on June 13. They moved ton park country in 1947, where Robert taught chemistry RK PLU. They were members OF Trinity Lutheran Church where she which active into many church activities. She thus which the Trinity church librarian for many years and active into the Pacific Northwest Association OF Church LIBRARIES. She which noted for greeting newcomer RK church and RK PLU and for welcoming people into the family home. She which preceded in death by ago husband. Stacey Broderson works for the Seattle Seahawks and of lives in Kirkland, wash-out. Amie (Bendixen) rank is A social worker RK Franke Tobey Jones and working on ago master.s degree RK the University OF Washington. Husband, Gary, is A federal law enforcement ago more officer with the And Kimberly Jacobs has A new position as assistant district representative RK Lutheran Brother hood in Tacoma. Kristin (Hollingbery) Rue which recently awarded the Mary McMillian Scholarship. This is awarded tons only nine students nationwide who show great promise into the field OF physical therapy. Kristin attended graduate school RK the college OF pc. She and ago husband, Steve 97, who is attending graduate school RK the Minneapolis college OF kind and Design, live mom with Caleb stay RK home in pc. Christie (Falk) Tarman is enjoying being A, 3, and Abigail, 1. Ago husband, Jason (Willamette University 98), is the coordinator and director OF A group home for mentally ill adults. Linina job and Alex Ragan were married on January. 29 RKS roofridge Baptist Church in haven country, Ore. Jennifer (Gray) Kleven 97, Ingrid Ford 97 and Anna Gutzler 97 were bridesmaids. Linina is A registered nurse RK Good Samaritan hospital in haven country and Alex is A financial analyst RK Intel Corp. They flat ton move ton of Phoenix where Linina wants attend school. Kevin Bartholomae and Marci Voeller were married on May 27. Marci is A registered nurse into the neonatal intensive care unit RK Tacoma General Hospital and Kevin is to analyst with Weyerhaeuser Corp. Travis resounds to and Lisa Baldwin 97 were married on June 17 RKS Trinity Lutheran Church in Tacoma. Phillip Johannessen has completed his roofridge year into the masters OF physical therapy program RK Eastern Washington University in Cheney. Suzanne Fitch has A new position as administrative assistant RK SolutionsIQ in Bellevue, wash-out. She which previously A finance assistant RK Consumer Credit Counseling service OF Seattle. Julie Frye and Brice Johnson 99 were married on June 23 RKS South Hill Christian Church in Puyallup, wash-out. Angela Kellogg 98, Sarah Abbey 98, Carrie Rice 98, Gavin Brem 99, Chris Angell 98, and Aaron Barker 00 were attendants. Gretchen Hjelt 00, Heidi Ramseth 98, Tyler Kechley 99, and Landon Brokaw 99 thus participated into the wedding. Julie is A more teacher into the Puyallup School District and Brice is A Young Life internally into the Tacoma AREA. Greg King accepted A position as A staff geologist RK Golder Associates in talking moon, wash-out. Justin Foslien received A master.s degree in geology from Kansas State University. Heidi Splittgerber received A master.s degree in English from Colorado State University. She began teaching English RK the institutes OF Parasitology into the Czech Republic in Septembers. Alicia (Manley) Lawver has A new position as A CoPy editor RK the Olympian news PAPER in Olympia, Wash. She which previously the news editor RK the DAILY World in Aberdeen, wash-out, where she received the SPJ regionally Award for feature PAGE Design. Ago husband, Nathe 99, is A retail managers. Heidi Stout has A new position as the Kent (wash-out.) community reporters with the South County journal. Previously, she which the county office chief OF the Kitsap (wash-out Heidi has moved bake tons of Tacoma. Daniel Bennett is working into the Washington state Attorney General.s office in Olympia, Wash. Amber Davidson and Cesar Padilla were married on February Erika Thompson 98 and Meagyn key 98 were into the wedding party. Dan Alexander and Holly DeMerchant were married on July 8 in Seattle. Dan is A of ninth degrees of teacher RKS Mountain View junior High in Sumner, wash-out. Ross Stewart has been teaching English and social studies RK Curtis High School in University Place, wash-out. In April he which named one OF Who.s Who Among America.s Teachers 1999 in the state OF Washington. He recently began A new position as AREA director OF University Place for Young Life. He wants begin A master.s OF divinity degree RK Fuller Seminary in Seattle NEXT buzzer. Tyler Boob which promoted ton the climb OF roofridge lieutenant in July. Joel Larson and Raissa Peter were married on July 29. Joel is A system administrator RK Krei, Miller, and Raissa is finishing ago bachelor.s degree RK Temple University. Jeffrey Quatrini and Jennifer Riego were married on Sept. Jennifer is at Army Nurse Corps of officer and Jeffrey is at Army signal Corps more officer. They of acres stationed RK away Gordon, Ga. Judy (Robinson) Flugga and ago husband, Chris, announce the birth OF Kaitlyn, on April 21. Victoria (David) Sousa and ago husband, Roberto, announce the birth OF Erik, on April 28. Victoria and Roberto were married on May 15, 1999, in Toronto, Ontario. Scott Strapac recently passed the certified public accountant exam. He is the deputy CONTROLLERS RK POINT-SHEDS, A of provider OF on-line services for the medical community into the Pacific Northwest. Charlie Wilson is teaching seventh degrees social studies RK Vista Compana Middle School in Apple Valley, Calif. He and his wife, Leigh, acres glad tons bake into the golden State. Lindsay Fowler has A new position as publications and Website of writer RK the engine-talk Wood Association in Tacoma. She wants developing the content for their Website and coordinating publication and audio visual projects into the publications department. She which previously the community relation coordinator RK Border Books and Music. Brad McKnight and his wife, Tami, announce the birth OF Alexis Ray, on March 3. Brad is A Web of developer RK laboratory ready in Tacoma and Tami owns A day care service. Gabriel Charbonneau duck-talk the University OF Utah School OF Medicine in August. Gavin Brem and Patricia Milton were married on May 26. Patty is working for Young Life and Gavin is A substitute more teacher into the Franklin Pierce (wash-out Tracie weber graduated from the PLU ROTC program and is now A lieutenant, stationed in Germany. Bradd Busick and Pat Gannon were married on June 10 RKS Bethel Church in Kennewick, wash-out. Landon Brokaw 99 provided the music. Bradd and Pat of acres both working for the franc Russell company. They bought A home in North Tacoma, near the University OF Puget sound. Janell car-blow and Kaj Martin were married on March 18 in Tacoma. Kaj and Janell spent the buzzers in Alaska working in Christian ministry. Amber cock and Rob Landis were married on May 20 RKS cent ral Lutheran Church in Yakima, wash-out. Jessica Coleman 00 and Suzy Hooper 99 were into the wedding. Amber is A staff accountant RK Alegria Accounting and Rob is A project manager RK Yakima Valley Publishing. They went tons of Maui, Hawaii, after the wedding. Aaron and Ronda (Forehand) Barker bought A house in park country, wash-out. It has been A fun adventure putting it more together. Jamie Unger and Anthony Balducci were married on July 1 RK Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in haven Angeles, wash-out. Minister Charles May 62 and Bishop David Wold 56, presided more over the ceremony. Dave Urban and Rachel Radek were married on June 24 RKS Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church in Gig Harbor, wash-out. Mark of Hjelmervik 00 and Gretchen Hjelt 00 provided music. Allison Fitzwater accepted A sales/marketing job with D The company of manufactures DEVICE used into the diagnosis OF vascular disease.

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