Saturday, March 08, 2008

Legal information credit card judgments

. To the ends of the contracted present, one agrees for: , R-he who acts for discovers strangers to the own entrepreneurial attivit?rofessionale or, R-he who only acts for professional or entrepreneurial scopes, word key constituted from a alphanumeric, famous sequence to the consumer-professional and that it serves in order to enter in the area customer, a alphanumeric sequence whom it identifies univocamente, in association with one password, a customer. Pdf, Literally: Portable Document Format, format for graphical rows, elaborated from the Adobe Systems. It comes used in order to make available, through CD-ROM or Internet, documents representatives printed publication pages, sequence of images that come sended in format compressed through Internet and come therefore shown to the arrival, numerical Address of a node (computer) of Internet. The translation from testuale address to?ossibile IP-ADDRESS through the interrogation of a NameServer. IP address?ormato from a sequence of 4 numbers separates to you from a point. Every number has a value that to pu?ssumere the values comprised between 0 and 255. Pages in which come to you asked personal information in order to allow the access you to the services supplied from the situated one. With this term one shielded making part of one agrees presentation. The contract concluded between Consumatore-Professionista and the Supplier has to object the fruizione, within a year from the purchase, of a product audiovisual aid, in modalit?significa that the Customer does not have the possibilit?i to unload it on supports informed to us. The object of the audiovisional lesson consists in one dissertation with respect to the argument indicated in the title it. The contract includes altres?no or pi?ile in format pdf, containing the transcription of the audiovisional lesson or other material. The price of the good?l clearly of the Vat. Delivery expenses are not previewed, with center in Via Madonna of the Plan n. 157777 Telephone: 0731 871611, Fax: 0731 871631, email: info@blueconsultants. In completing the procedures of recording to the Services, the Customer obligates itself to supply the own personal data in correct and veritiera way. The Customer moreover obligates itself to timely communicate to Blue Consultants whichever variation of the personal data in every time communicates to you. Blue such Consultants reservoir possibilit?nche in the case in which the competent organs (to es. banks or holders of credit cards) contests the payments carries out to you from the Customer. Blue Consultants memorizza IP address of the computer of the Customer. The such Customer recognizes that User ID and Password constitute the system of validazione of the accesses of the Customer to the Services. The such Parts recognize and convene that User ID and Password constitute single suitable means to identify the Customer at the moment of the access to the Services. The system?n degree of monitorare all the accesses. In approached tried case of contemporary through the same one, the contract sar?mmediatamente resolved of right, but the resource to the autorit?iudiziaria. For being able to acquire the service, the Customer must clickare on the pulante ACQUISTA HOUR. After to have clickato on ACQUISTA verr?isualizzata HOUR a page with the riepilogo of the services it acquires to you, the taxable price, the Vat and the price total. The produced Customer pu?omunque to return to the page clickando on the appropriate one link. If instead he wishes to proceed with the order to have on the key CONVALIDA the ORDER. Here aprir?na shielded in which having the data of the recording, if gi?vvenuta in past, otherwise having on REGISTRAZIONE.. The Customer potr?empre to modify the own data. In according to case to have. In both cases they will have to be accepted, dulling the relative case, the regarding clauses the conditions generates them of contract, privacy and the right of recess. The operations of compilation of the form and filling of the cases of which over, the Customer finished to have on the push-button AVANTI.. Here apparir?na shielded with the riepilogo of the order and the various options of payment. c) bancario/postale check nontransferable. Once chosen the payment option apparir?' last riepilogo. Clickando on the push-button CONFERMA. the contract? this point perfected to all the effects. If the Customer has chosen the option of payment by means of Credit card, verr?ndirizzato towards situated of Bank the Saddleback. Here to have the video instructions. Finished the procedure with the confirmation of I debit in Credit card, the Customer ricever?er e-mail one containing email: .. the present conditions generate them of contract, with modalit?er the exercise of the recess. the name customer and the password in order to approach the lesson and the other material. If the Customer chooses the option pagamento with Banking Discount or bank check or postal, to receive.. the present conditions generate them of contract, with modalit?er the exercise of the recess. the name customer and the password in order to approach the lesson and the other material. Once receipt confirmation of the activation of the service, the Customer to potr?sercitare the recess right before carrying out the login. Once carried out the login, after the activation of the service, sar?ertanto pi?ossibile not recedere from the contract. 64 of the Code of the Consumption, the Customer to potr?sercitare the recess right also after the conclusion of the contract, but before the access through in the area the customer after the activation of the service. After such moment, not sar?i?ossibile the recess, but the case in which the parts they decide to melt the contract of common agreement. The warning of reception not?comunque, condition essential in order to try the exercise of the recess right. MODALITA' OF RECORDING Of CONTRACT and MODALITA' OF ACCESS the contract concluded?rchiviato on sure, not accessible serveur to thirds party. The Customer, once entered in the area customer, through the insertion of the password and of, to pu?ccedere to contracted its clickando on the key CONTRATTO.. At the moment, Blue Consultants has not still joined to some code of conduct. LANGUAGES To DISPOZIONE IN ORDER TO CONCLUDE The CONTRACT. At the moment the only language to disposition in order to conclude the Italian contract?'. For the resolution of the eventual controversies, Blue Consultants is declared available to carry out attempted to you good-natured of composition, or to devolve to wills the judgment on the same ones. For eventual controversies originated from the contracted present?oro competent that one of address or residence of the Customer.

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