Sunday, March 09, 2008

The skinny

TCSD: Biology Online: The Skinny. skinny is a collection of reviews for all the major topics in biology. labs listed by the categories they relate to. It is vital that you know the difference between the various anatomical directions. Chemistry of life dealing with the chemical compounds. table containing all the necessary facts on the life processes of representative organisms in ny Regents biology. Cells are the structural and functional units of life, all cells come from other cells. cell theory are the virus and the fact that the chloroplast and mitochondria. Important biological concepts for the NEW NY regents exam, "The Living Environment" The study of the relationship between an organism and its environment is called ecology. must have variety within it's genotype to cope with an ever changing. If an organism can not adapt to these changing environmental conditions. There are many advantages to motility. Organisms pass on their genetic information to the next generation by the transmission of their DNA. of the possible outcomes of these genetic recombinations of sexually. Review all the color changes used in lab must exhibit life functions.respiration, reproduction, regulation. Lipids-(.fats) - Used for stored energy and a structural component of the cell membrane. Phase 1: Interphase the chromosomes replicate Phase 2: Prophase the nuclear membrane disintegrates and the spindle. Phase to e:.Metapyuase the chromosomes line up on the equatorial plate Phase 4: Anaphase the centrioles will separate in animal cells. Phase 5: Telophase cytokinesis occurs (cytoplasm divides) and two. Some special tips for remembering your. tearing and ripping using the teeth. This increases the surface area of the food and makes chemical digestion easier. Autotrophism is the ability to synthesize organic. Changes occur all the time both inside. A successful organism can adapt to these changes. The ultimate goal of any organism is to maintain a stable internal. This stable environment is called HOMEOSTASIS or DYNAMIC EQUILLIBRIUM. All organisms must reproduce for the. This is the only life function not needed for the survival of the individual organism. ALL organisms use respiration to store. The ATP Is Used For A variety Of Different Life Activities Such As walking And Active Transport. There are certain rules that scientists follow in order to solve a problem. a recipe, scientists must follow the scientific method to assure that their results are consistent and accurate with each experiment. also allows for experiments to be repeated many times and by others. System of classification based upon similarities. Developed by: Linnaeus, a swedish botanist in the 18th. Linneaus used Latin names because they would not change over.Organisms must get oxygen and nutrients to the cells and into their.They must also get wastes (co2) away from the body and out of the.Adaptations will allow organisms to perform these life functions using their environment to their best advantage. Vocabulary Links From Watkins Glen High..TCHSD: Online Network: Troy High School Biology Site Design: Jeremy Warden - Content Design and Management: Mr. THS Interactive Biology Site 1998-2001 Troy City School District Design & Layout 1998-2001 Jeremy Warden and Joe DiBari

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