Sunday, March 09, 2008

Canna Varieties

net - Sceletium Toruosum/kanna/canna - we are the original ' width='8 ' height='8 '/Sceletium Toruosum/kanna/canna preparation seek actually already for months with Google after clever guidances to prepare the fleshy Bl?er from Kanna to =). there have I once which read of 3 days crushed in a Plastikt? keep - umr?en - and again 4 days wait. Naja with me was after 3 days already full with mould. Know their perhaps n?res dar?r. I am now nonsmoker, thus w?e I only orally take =). Fermentieren - dry - grind - cold or kept with alcohol in the mouth - enjoy. Fermentieren - dry - grind - cold or kept with alcohol in the mouth - enjoy which are exact fermentieren. I thought w?das with "into a t? do, crush, are waiting ". The urspr?liche conceptualness describes the biological reaction under exclusion of air (Pasteur: "fermentation c'.est la vie sans l'.air"). Nowadays one understands medically interesting products by fermentation any technical bio reaction such as insulin, Hyalurons?e, Streptokinase and a multiplicity of antibiotics such as z. penicillin by micro organisms gro?echnisch in bioreactors synthesizes. Micro organisms are able to form materials on purely chemical way only very heavily and/or Au?rhalb of the biotechnology play themselves the Fermentierung a central role during the durable making of food (z. salami) and alcoholic Getr?en such as beer and wine. A border line is the fermentation by the own enzymes of food, how it takes place for instance at the Matjes herring. By the Fermentieren of a tea one understands the G?n and an oxidizing of the Teebl?er in a damp environment. 3 hours and is no genuine fermentation, since no micro organisms are involved. In contrast to black dte becomes only short the Oolong dte and gr? Dte does not fermentiert at all. Each generation erh? the youth earned it. QUOTE(Enzyklop?e of the psychoaktiven plants -. Ratsch) the dressing from Kougoed was only k?lich discovered and described more exactly. Fr?r were used for it Tierschl?he or hemp bags, were stepped today Plastikt?n to their place. Zun?st becomes the T? with the plant material to the sun put. Tags?r sweats the plant their S?e out, which settles to plastics and sp?r by the plant material are again absorbed. After 2 to 3 days the T become? ge?net and contents well durchger?t. Thereupon the T become? again locked and again laid out. On the respected day after beginning of the procedure the Kougoed becomes from the T? gotten and to drying at the sun spread. As soon as it is drying, it can be used. According to statement of the informant the fresh Bl?er does not have strength, only so the fermentierte. Herb is psychoaktiv. It is then continued to cut up or pulverized. Probably by this Proze?der f?die kinds Sceletiiirri and Mesembryanthernurn characteristic, high content of Oxals?e are substantially reduced. Oxals?e can cause strong provoking and allergies. The powder is usually taken with something alcohol into the mouth and there f?ca. Itself the saliva collecting thereby can be swallowed already before. 5 g of the powder are a angstl?nde dose, with h?ren doses can it to st?eren effects (euphoria, visions) come (SMITH et al. The cut up plant material can be smoked mixed also purely or with Cannabis sativa (see alleged is the finely zermahlene powder purely or mixed with tobacco to have been geschnupft (see these and other kinds than psychoaktive Zus?e to the beer or for the introduction of the fermentation were used (SMITH et aluminium I habs innem locked gef?MIT air made the effect is nevertheless rather very weak, or. By the nose in the reason nothing at all noticed, also with alcohol in the mouth in the reason no Wirkung!. 1 visitor about this (G?e: 1 | anonymous visitors: 0) auxiliary options (to the Schlie?n this text click) simple click - and already erh?st you with absence a notification by email, if someone this topic a new answer hinzuf?. Simply click - and already erh?st you with absence a notification by email, if someone er?net in this forum a new topic. You have also the M?ichkeit to print out or download on your PC you the available topic in a printer-friendly format. more?er you arrive to the left at the appropriate Auswahlmen?it further information.

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