Saturday, March 08, 2008

Safety first sun shade

a perfect trick, from the morning to the evening, day after day, year after year for who wants to appear R-al.meglio in every occasion. A make up personalized that it values the features, and that corrects also some imperfections of ace for a mixed requirement aesthetic to praticit?Essere cured, also hardly up from the bed, to be able to go calmly in arena or swimming pool without that sweat or water they ruin the make-up, not to have to pi?tare hours the mirror, making attention to make signs precise: these are only some of the reasons that attract are the girls are the women pi?n l?on the years towards. but servants also to correct or to hide some inestetismi like sopracciglia oadsteads, labbra thin, irregolarit?d asymmetries, thinning of hats, scars. of all the choice on who to entrust itself does not go underrated: many are improvised truccatori, ruining with one. For being sure, better to address to a specialized aesthetic center, as the Sunlight. emergency norms that go respected during a semipermanent trick, the pen-nib for the recording, the pigments colors to you, but also the skin the customer and the hands of the operator must perfectly be. If these rules do not come respected you therefore, to have fear to seem demanding too much (of It must expect that needles and gloves monouso come opened in front of the own eyes. ai pigments use you for the origin trick (vegetable or mineral) do not exist dangers of allergies in how much however to execute a preliminary test, the so-called one "ponfo", carried out iniettando nel arm a po' of coloring in order to see if it triggers the reaction. It is designed with one matita the corrections to bring. They are discussed with the estetista turns out to you, supplying. When?eciso the result that is wanted to be obtained with the trick, becomes disinfected the part to deal and spray is applied to a light anaesthetic (). With the pen-nib trace the design, contornando. The sitting goes repeated after 15/30 days in order to emphasize duration of the varied semipermanent trick is based on the reciprocation cellular that to the profondit? which they have been made the recordings however a "review" in order to see if?Il design of the demanded sopraccigliare arched one?olto from the women who, after years of depilazione with the pinzetta, have sopracciglia the oadsteads. (trace peletto for peletto) regarding that one obtained with the matita one, used even with irregular feature. They seem to cos?ere that single if is gone to touch semipermanent trick it would not have to replace the make. the usuals produced that between the other proteggono the skin. _ to ravvivare the eye without weight down it too much important choose a trick light, adapt to every occasion and that not risk to pass fashionable or to tire who the must for a along. A lot demanded?l I outline of the eye-liner, thin fact in order to lengthen the eye leggermente. Little women are able alone to carry out with precision the advanced palpebral line, indeed a lot often - above all to who she does not see well and not to pu?ndossare glances at them to it during the maneuver - the operation. Here that our estetiste take part, making to save time and a beautiful one po’. of nervousness. In order to complete the trick of the eyes, to pu?seguire itself I outline of the inferior palpebral line. to modify it is the thin or little carnose contours that the color of the labbra. labbra) but also to render if the labbra soft and they are very hydrated rughette or a skin sand bank?eglio to carry out an nourishing treatment and hydrating of the labbra with impacchi made up of collagene or paraffin of the pigment must be similar to that one of the own ones labbra: sceglier?oi every time, tonalit?el the lipstick or of the lucidalabbra in order to complete the coloration of some points of the leather capelluto servants to mask the thinning of hats, that it above all interests many women to level of temples. ?aturale: nobody sospetter?he instead of hats white woman is colorful pigment specks of the all these inestetici signs?ossibile. not to pu?ssere capacity to the same tonalit?ella skin, so that not there is an obvious separation between surrounding cicatrice/smagliatura and cute.

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