Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sex positions

. The search of new feelings and new stimuli through new positions in order to make the love, to pu?afforzare a brace relationship and to increase the complicit?Il kamasutra comes defined like amatoria art of ancient origins that allows to catch up the pleasure or ravvivare a union by means of attempting. of this section dedicated to the kamasutra to a public maggiorenne and it specifies that just the attempt?olo that one to satisfy the curiosit?ei just customers through never gross images and descriptions. Precaution is advised and I use it of the preservative. All the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman is based on the penis of its man seated with going and coming vertically leaning itself sulle. to pu?ppoggiare the back to the wall for the best one. to be based for being able itself to fold pi?acilmente. The woman controls better profondit?ella the penetration that in the other positions with penetration. The front walls of the vagina and the point. Position tiring for l’. man in absence of the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Spread on the flank, the two partners embrace themselves and the woman tightens the river basin of the partner between the coscie. L’. man folds the legs leggermente in order to facilitate. Position much intimate one that offers the maximum contact. if l’.uomo it sufficiently folds the coscie between the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra online. the man with the spread legs in order to facilitate the penetration. Once that the penis is found in position, it closes the legs affinch? bodies of the two partners body laterally and horizontally on the partner. Position much intimate one that offers the maximum contact. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The two partner is in feet makes face, l’. man sfrega its pains on the vulva of the partner. After some minute of clutch, the vulva aprir?aturalmente in order to allow one superficial penetration. If the woman?eno high dell’. man, to potr?lzarsi wearing heels or salting on a support. Unexpected practical and realizable position all’.. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. thigh of its partner is based all’.amazzone on one and guides the penis fine all’. opening of the vagina. Once introduced the penis, potr?ontrarre the vaginal muscles in order to maintain to the penetration and breast and the clitoride of the companion in order to carry it pi?agli men who suffer from premature ejaculation. Amplitude of the movements limited and penetration little. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man?draiato on the back, the companion is based completely over of he in position accovacciata or knelt down with the busto straight. The woman even has a control total that allows them to have pi?iducia and to try better movements for procurarle still pi?iacere accarezzandole. to be little comfortable for l’. man. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. In ginocchio on the ground, the woman pulls on the back taking support against the edge of the bed man penetrates it gives behind, resting on the ginocchia. The woman pu?sia to hold the open legs externally arranging them to those of its companion in order to offer the maximum vaginal opening, is to close the coscie in order to compress the vagina and to tighten. Good stimulation of the frontal walls of the vagina. to stimulate clitoride and the breast of the companion. Attention to the rubbing of the ginocchia on. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Varying of the position dell’. idra that power of attorney similar feelings diminishing the crushing practised dall’. man on the companion holds one leg on the free chest dell’. man and to the jam of the ventre and of the vagina. Potentially painful if the penis hits the bottom of. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man?eduto on the edge of the bed to potr?iegarsi in ahead in order catching up woman appogger?ulle ginocchia dell’. man who terr?er the breast. Position that allows one enough deep penetration with one good amplitude of vertical movement of the companion in order to carry it pi?acilmente. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman turns the back to its companion and to pu?edersi on he resting on the feet or putting the ginocchia on two sides of also of the companion. Position that offers all’. to man an angle of exceptional sight on the penetration and a panorama a lot exciting on the glutei and the vagina of its in the version knelt down) for giving to a great pleasure all’. man and carrying it quickly all’. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position of the missionary, the woman slips one leg on the shoulder of its companion who simultaneously door its ginocchio on. Amusing position, originates them and enough crobatic. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman?draiata on the back resting leggermente on the flank and rests the legs sull’. to guide the penis in one sweet penetrazzione. dovr?llora to compress the coscie in order to conserve the penis in the position and to increase the feelings. Position originates them in order to make l’. love sweetly. Risk of involuntary escapes of the penis if not enough. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Sdraiata on the back the woman rests buttocks on the edge of the bed and tightens between the legs also the ground in order to penetrate holding it the horizontal penis, parallel all’. axis of vagina. the vagina power of attorney of the various feelings from those perceived during deep a vertical penetration that stimulates the walls of the vagina well. Exciting position in particolar varying way in the this position depends much dall’.altezza del. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position of the missionary or the cavalcamento, avoiding l’. exited of the penis from the vaginal center. Position intimate and sweet that allows the partners to watch themselves and to kiss itself without that it is felt to us dominates to you. Profondit?i penetration and amplitude of the movements. Risk of involuntary escape of the penis. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man sdraia on the back while the companion s’. kneels down over of he and encircles its amplitude of the vertical and horizontal movement on the penis of the partner, in order to increase the feelings on the clitoride and the vaginal walls and to carry quickly. The?ttiva and free woman in the movements. to concentrate on the feelings and the pleasure carezzando. Position that lacks originalit?passate therefore to something d’. other after some minute. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position of Andromaca, the woman cants itself behind all’. until the feet del. in order delaying l’. ejaculation of the partner. She allows one good manual stimulation of the clitoride. Good elasticit?ella woman demands one. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. the companion seated on the edge of the bed or one legs around to the flanks of the companion. Comfortable position and little tiring for the partners. L’. application of the position depends dall’. height of the support on which the woman rests. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman rides of shoulders the lengthened companion. It guides the penis in the vagina and then it cants itself all’. behind taking support of the hats of the woman that caress the ace. Risk of involuntary escapes of the penis in case of the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman allonge on the flank with the folded legs. the contours of the body of the companion in order to penetrate it. the clitoride, kissing it on the nape and behind the orecchie. Sweet position and resting that it easy favors caresses to masturbarsi or to guide the hand of the companion. Amplitude of the movements of the limited river basin. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?La the position of the dance of the missionary All the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position of the missionary, the woman tightens buttocks and raises also in order to wave the river basin in circular, lateral and vertical movements. Good stimulation that quickly triggers l’. Position difficult to maintain to along, tiring. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man?eduto on the bed, eventually supports the back to the wall for a better support. The woman is based on its pains guiding it in the vagina and then she tightens the flanks of the companion between very stimulating clitoride and the vaginal walls. Intimate position that allows the brace to kiss itself and all’. man of leccare the breast of the companion. Deep penetration that allows to a good stimulation orgasm in the men who suffer from ejaculation. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position to the pecorina, the woman slips sweetly on the ventre in order to make that l’. to let the legs open in order to facilitate the penetration, or to close the coscie well one against l’. other in order to tighten pi?orte the penis in the vagina. in order to lighten little a companion and in order to penetrate it. Optimal stimulation of the frontal walls della. to make to slip its hand under the ventre of. Nearly null Liberta of movement for the woman who the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The brace?n feet with the woman who turns. in ahead, the woman modification l’. penetration angle one table, to potr?asciarsi to go while. Position a lot exciting that man to realize its desires of domination and to the woman of fantasticare on partner allows all’. imaginary. Deep penetration with a good stimulation of the frontal walls of the vagina and the point G. difficult Posizione if the partners have various heights. In such case l’. man fletter?e legs or salir?u of a support in order to render the position. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Sdraiata on the back, the woman rests the feet sulle. that the vagina has caught up l’. the maximum amplitude alive feelings much in the woman above all if all’. man to realize its desires of. Position that needs good elasticit?se a penis hits the bottom of the vagina or if the vagina. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman sdraiata on the back, opens and spreads. L’. man rests a leg between those of the companion and it penetrates it of side poggiandosi. sfregando its thigh against the clitoride. The side penetration power of attorney of the various feelings to the woman like all’. man. and the clitoride they are very stimulates to you from the rubbing have one free hand in order to caress themselves and to kiss themselves. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position dell’. andromaca, the woman moves the back all’. behind and ago to slip one leg under that one of its partner. the maneuver, far?ttenzione to tighten the penis well in order to avoid the spillage from the vagina. left to right in order to experience new feelings. A position originates them that it remains comfortable for offers feeling various for the stimulation of. Risk of involuntary escapes of the penis from the center. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man?teso on the back with the way that the plant of the feet supports on the back this support in order to move ahead and in behind and accompanying of the movement holding it for the life of the clitoride that it scours on the pelvis dell’. Amplitude and liberta of the movements limited. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Sdraiata on the back the woman expedient the coscie against. and it uses the coscie of the companion as a support in order to facilitate the movement of goes and you come and to conserve. Deep penetration and good amplitude of movements. Both obtain one good poich?Potenzialmente painful stimulation for the woman if the penetration. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man is raised on the ginocchia and the woman sdraiata on the back, rests the feet against the busto. in order to compress the coscie of the woman against the breast thanks to the jam of the ventre and the vagina. Potentially painful if the penis hits the bottom of. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Sdraiata on the back, the woman folds the legs in the position of the loto introducing cosi the own one. to along and to times painful for the woman. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The partners are in feet and the woman from the back woman china completely in ahead resting. Position a lot exciting for both the partners. Having the partners various heights?ifficilmente. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra online. the man door the legs towards the shoulders of the woman. Both can be embraced and continue the stimulation giving of the simultaneous pushes to their river basins. Position originates them that it allows one penetration. Good stimulation of the clitoride given dall’.osso pelvic dell’. man. Good agilit?ell’. man demands one. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of the kamasutra online. appreciated from debuttanti as from those who allonge between the legs has experience l’. man of. Some pillow placed under buttocks of the woman allows one penetration comfortable and natural pi?Posizione for both. Limited Libert?i movements for the woman. Pu?iventare boring, to practice with moderation. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. to the partner using its pains like an axis: with a movement of it goes and you come vertical on the penis. The woman moves the two right legs of the busto. The woman finds itself in inverse sense, giving the vertical back chinandosi towards l’. ahead in order changing. later on the cycle in order to finish seated face. Amusing position and originates them that it allows to experiment of the various feelings much without. Important risk of involuntary escapes between the second one. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from a position where the woman?eduta sull’. man, the woman moves itself behind all’. carrying the legs in ahead while l’. man support resting on the arms begins to move the river basin with circular motion, in opposite way all’. an other pu?nche to use the legs in order to begin goes and you come along the penis of the companion two partners allows to watch itself observing. Enough athletic position that demands training. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Varying of the position of the Goddess where l’. man must be based on one chair and not on the bed. of departure of a sequence that concatena l’. suspended union, he puts down it of the pillar and the position. Comfortable position and much intimate one for both. It allows one enough deep penetration and one good amplitude of vertical movement in order to make l’. love in office or the baths of. For l’. limited man liberta of movement. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Sdraiata on the back the woman takes one slanted position resting buttocks and kidneys on the ginocchia. Deep and comfortable position for both man to pu?iberare one hand in order to caress. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of the kamasutra online. slips on ginocchia dell’. the man guiding. Position much intimate one that allows the partners. Limited stimulation and little deep penetration. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position where l’.?nginocchiato man, the woman leans on the head and the legs arch the back and kidneys for angling the vagina towards l’. axis of the penis of the partner to begin one vigorous penetration observing. Exciting position and provoking that it allows one visual sufficient deep and vigorous penetration leaving in order to observe the reactions of the partner. Good elasticit?ella back demands one. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Here the three stages of this position in which l’. man must turn slowly around to the companion using the penis like axis. The partners are lengthen to you in the classic position. L’. man subsequently slips its left leg and then the right to of over of the skillful leg of the companion and begins to ruotare on its verga around to the companion. L’. man carries out means complete turn and public square the legs on two sides of the shoulders of the companion. One small pause in this position in order to kiss the feet of the companion in order then to continue the cycle. Amusing position and originates them that it allows to appreciate one large diversit?i feelings. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. The woman is based on the companion knelt down col. towards l’. ahead supporting with one hand the buttocks and l’. other the back of the companion. The woman to pu?ppoggiarsi on one hand in order to make to wave just the river basin vertically. One good transitory position in order to pass from one position seated one sdraiata without to interrupt. Athletic position registered letter only to the muscolosi men or that they have one similar much light one. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from a position where the woman rides behind all’. until putting down the back on the busto. the woman to pu?tendere the legs in the same one. Position originates them registered letter for l’. love. Position little registered letter to the women who suffer. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. L’. man sdraia on the back, raising itself the legs. The woman is based on the back of thighs of its companion using the feet dell’. man like in order assuring one good stabilit?uomo pu?llora to raise the companion with the feet for giving to beginning one vertical stimulation. The woman to pu?pportare one additional stimulation making to wave the river basin in a circular movement. Position originates them and amusing for creative braces. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of the kamasutra online. to the back dell’.uomo in order to firmly encircle with the legs the life of the companion while he also to posizionarsi it with the back rested to the wall. Position athletic and difficult to maintain to along. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of the kamasutra online. coricata on the back, raises the legs resting them one on the shoulder dell’. man and l’.altra. In order to increase the pleasure, the woman terr?e possible united coscie and l’. man alterner?qualche pillow under buttocks of the woman. Exciting position and originates them for both mobilit?el river basin dell’. man who. Athletic position that demands one good condition. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position of the missionary, the woman buttocks of the companion in order to increase the pressure. Raising the legs the woman favors a penetration comes to sfregarsi directly on the vulva, favoring. A good elasticit?ella woman needs, when the legs are approached the breast very. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. Leaving from the position perfect dell’.allineamento, l’. man opens the legs in order to make to slip the coscie of the companion between the own ones. Position much intimate one with the maximum contact between. Less deep penetration that when the woman maintains. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?Tutte the positions of kamasutra the online. A classic position universal appreciated for l’. excitation and the intense feelings that are made to penetrate gives behind dall’. man who keeps itself. Best stimulation of the frontal walls della. for l’. man who allows it to realize the Some women can be felt sminuite from the position. Potentially painful for the woman if the verga it hits. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?La the position of ying and yang the All the positions of kamasutra the online. On a solid and stable surface, the woman is based on the ginocchia of the companion accovacciato. vertical like l’. angle of the bed. Position difficult to maintain that ask all’. to man one good muscular power and much equilibrium. the photography of this position of the kamasutra. The vision of the images of kamasutra?per a complete navigation of the situated one.

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