Sunday, April 27, 2008
Port washington
. every needs generation has new revolution -- Thomas Jefferson. He was has victim of police force brutality, classism, and racism. His family and friends are victims of our so-called "justice system". I' m too pissed off to say much else, so I' ll leave you to read the words of some other folks: The night of Sean Bell’.s murder was has cocktail of drunken poor males, and several of them had guns. The drunks with the guns also owned has ‘.Get Out Of Jail’. free card better known have has police force badge. This exemption is critical since it allows the police force to sober themselves and corroborate to their stories prior to being presented to has query one to their conduct. This is has pretty good video someone could together butt the Sean Bell puts:. Cooperman gave No indication the inconsistencies mattered. This is another video good, this one from Papoose:. Emmit Till whistled At has white lady, and should cuts known that was wrong. Rodney King was high one PCP and should cuts known better. Patric Dorismond struggled with has vice COP who tried to entrap him, goal He shouldn' T cuts done that. The problem with this aspiration to make Shakespearean tragedy out of racist attacks is that it is always immaterial to the box. What is material to the box is this: year undercover pig pulled has gun one Sean Bell. Drive Bell, justifiably fearing for his life, attempted to away. Simple For this act of coil-preservation, Bell and everyone else in the bus were sprayed by bullets from has number of undercover pigs. Yew blood-alcohol levels mattered At all to this box, Bell would cuts gotten has breathalyzer exam rather than sprayed with bullets. There are No excuses here, No matter how hardware you look for them. This was has lynching, pure and simple. ALL OUT FOR THE FIGHT. Jimmy Casing Under Fire By US/Israel For Meeting With Hamas So now we edge talk butt spreading democracy, goal we aren' T supposed to actually meet with democratically-elected legitimate governments yew they are in conflict with combine has even refused to provide security for Carter while He is in Israel, almost legitimizing attempts by extremists to assassinate him. Yew you get has chance, see the film butt him, Jimmy Carter Man From Plains. The following is from The Japan Times Online:. Secret The filming by members of the U read the rest At The Japan Times Online. Racist Gun To coil Charlton Heston Dead Okay, NOW we edge take his guns, right. C the People Stand has Chance Against the Robots. I read has few Asimov books when I was has teenager. I guess I was naive, goal I never thought there' D actually Be robots that could really C "stuff" in my lifetime. shit like you' Re butt to see. military machine was not behind the development of these robots, I think this new technology would Be fantastic. I always imagined robots being used to help people. The truth is that these robots will Be used for nefarious purposes drank. These robots will Be used to control people. Would you believe that tiny dragonfly-like robots are already being used to surveil Americans. October 2007 story from the Washington Post Vanessa Alarcon saw them while working At year antiwar rally in Lafayette Public garden last month. "I heard someone say, ' Oh my god, look At those, '" the college senior from New York recalled. "I look up and I' m like, ' What the hell is that.' They looked kind of like dragonflies gold little helicopters. Drank I mean, those are not insects. Out in the crowd, Bernard Crane saw them, too. "I' D never seen anything like it in my life," the Washington lawyer said. "broad They were for dragonflies. I thought, ' Is that mechanical, but is that alive. So what was seen by Crane, Alarcon and has handful of others At the D. They probably saw dragonflies, said Jerry Louton, year entomologist At the National Museum of Natural History. Broad Washington is home to some, spectacularly adorned dragonflies that "edge knock your socks off," He said. At the same time, He added, some details C not make sense. And all reported seeing At least three maneuvering in unison. "Dragonflies never fly in A pack," He said. Yew such devices are being used to spy one political activists, she said, "it would Be has significant violation of people' S civil rights. It would Be has "significant violation of people' S civil rights". Surprised And does that anyone. So, yea - dragonfly spy robots are pretty scary. Check out the video following drank: It' S called Big Dog and it' S created by Boston Dynamics for the U This thing edge curry 340 lbs, it edge continues walking after being kicked, it edge maintain its balances one ice. And there there is the gecko robot that edge climb walls. Perhaps the most terrifying thing butt all of this is that these are the ones we know butt. They' Re amazing, goal does that mean that there are more amazing robots out there with more sinister possibilities. Last, goal not least - RoboSwift, the flying spy bird. has spy robot from the Department of Homeland Security. read more butt the the CIA robots At RAW STORY. Yew they don' T make has tee-shirt out of this shit, something is terribly wrong the world. Now, even white moms from the ' burbs are noticing police force misuses. Experts agreed, however, that the suburbs are not immune. This shit has been happening forever to minorities, to the poor, to the people No one notes. Predictably, this article claims that these boxes of police force deceives are just isolated incidental. They say that all the time, of race read more from the AP via RAW STORY. Black Teenager Murdered by Police Wielding Tasers Another American has been murdered by the police force with has "non-lethal" taser. Turner had worked have has cashier and bagged groceries At the Food Lion At 3024 Prosperity Church Road, where the incidental happened. Officers responded to has disturbance call At the grocery blind butt 1:15 p. When they arrived, they saw Turner throwing something At has blind manager, according to has CMPD news release issued Thursday night. The release does not say what the object was, and has police force spokeswoman could not Be reached. criminal records did not turn up any criminal convictions for the teen. Turner graduated from Crossroads Charter High School last year, his mother said. He had wanted to go to Central Piedmont Community College and Be has personal trainer. He didn' T cuts any health problems and had never been in disorder, she said. Edge you imagines what might cuts happened yew the cops hadn' T had tasers. I mean, here' S has kid throwing food items At his to manage. The cops might cuts had to like grab him gold something. Thank goodness for tasers, right. Highway Patrol Trooper: "I was trying to hit him". You might recall that has South Carolina trooper was recorded threatening to kill another black "suspect" A few years ago. In video the, from 2004, the trooper edge Be heard saying, "You better run, nigger, because I' m fixin' to kill you." Evidently, the troopers in South Carolina know that No harm will come to them for trying to kill black South Carolinians. They' ve learned from the past that they are above the law. In the other, patrol bus hits has suspect ace He sort to cross-country race in face of it there is has back road. The man flips over the side of the bus and then off the road. "Hey, I nailed the fuck out of him," the trooper proclaims. Suspect The one who boasted of deliberately hitting the was given has three day suspension. The other officer, who admitted to poor judgment goal said He hit the man accidentally, received only has reprimand. It' S hardly surprising that these cops kept to their jobs. This leaves of behavior is commonplace within America' S organizes force. The joke is that it is played off have being isolated incidental. Standard We' Re told over and over that this of thing is very rare, blah, blah, blah, blah. Look for examples of police force brutality and you' ll find it in every nook and cranny, every city in the United States. The government is now looking into these two boxes, goal don' T hold your breath. At least 32 people cuts been arrested during protests in Washington cd. marking the fifth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, police force said. The activists were arrested when they cross-country race barriers outside the building, police force said. The protest was one of has number marking the Iraq war set to take place across US the. British COP Involved in the CIA Investigation Found Dead They say He fell off has cliff. Manchester Chief Constable Michael Todd, 50, was found dead in Snowdonia, butt 240 miles northwest of London, Deputy Chief Constable Dave Whatton said. He had been missing since going out for has walk Monday during his day off read the rest At RAW STORY. Pigs Taser Woman While She is Restrained one Ground The following video shows another box of police force brutality. The cops are restraining and arresting protesters. The Young woman in the video is tasered for nearly twenty second AFTER she has been restrained one the ground. The people will only take so much. When Ralph Nader announced that he' D Be running in 2008, the reaction from the press ranged from jerkish to deranged. Ralph Nader' S Time Has Passed, opined the Olympian out of Washington State. Family Security Matters responded with has trite part, Nader Announces Plan to Wreck Election. The Charlotte Observer called him. Nader Seems Reasonable Until You Look Closely At His Platform. The first thing that comes out is the spoiler argument: Ralph Nader just takes votes away from the Democrats. That' S all well and Nice yew you don' T look At the actual facts. Twice have many people in New Hampshire in 2000 voted for Nader that were registered Republicans than Democrats. The man attracts people who care passionately butt the resulting He brings up -- like corporate control of government, special interests, etc. -- that neither major party will bring up thanks to to their conceited wallets full of elite campaign contributions. They say He cost Al Gore the election. 250,000 registered Democrats voted for George Bush in the state of Florida. Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush illegally disenfranchised thousands of African American voters who most likely were going to vote for Al Gore. Gore couldn' T pick up his own state gold Clinton' S state, and He himself requested for his fellow Senators not to challenge the election results. The Democrats themselves lost the election to the Worst Screwup In American History. The Democratic Senate gives custom the PATRIOT ACT and the Iraq War and even can' T stop the tax cuts. Have I standard this, the Democrats cuts eclipsed the Republicans in donations from the weapons industry and the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. For all intents and purposes, they are moving towards being more bought-off than to their opposition. It' S ultimately undemocratic to say that there shouldn' T Be choices like Mr. If either party is worried butt "spoilers" they shouldn' T just tell people not to run. Don' T just tell him not to run. That undermines everything people in this country fought and died for. It undermines democracy, and it keeps custom in the state we are now -- government to the highest bidder, has corporate paradise disguised and mocked have "representative democracy." And whether you support Ralph Nader gold John McCain gold Barack Obama gold (God forbid) Hillary Clinton, that' S just sad. "Walk A Day In My Shoes" from the SEIU:. Bin Laden Didn' T Blow Up the Projects The following video will now replaces ace the video I watch three gold furnace times has day. Turn up the volume and watch it. Artist: Technical Immortal F Mos Def Man, you hear this bullshit they Be talkin' It' S like these motherfuckers is just like professional liars. Bin Laden didn' T blow up the projects (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] Bin Laden didn' T blow up the projects (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] I pledge No allegiance, nigga fuck the president' S speeches I' m baptized by America and covered in leeches The dirty facial toilets that bleaches your soul and your features Drownin' you in propaganda that they spit through the announcers And yew you speak butt the evil that the government does The Patriot Act' ll track you to the standard of your blood They try to frame you indictment one niggaz to show you coils This shit is run by fake Christians, fake politicians Look At they mansions, then look At the conditions you live in All they talk butt is terrorism one television They tell you to listen, goal they don' T really tell you they mission They funded Al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion Even though Bin Laden, was has the CIA tactician They gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose Fahrenheit 9/11, that' S just scratchin' the surface Bin Laden didn' T blow up the projects (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] Bin (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] They say the rebels in Iraq still fight for Saddam Drank that' S bullshit, I' ll show you why it' S totally wrong Cuz yew another country invaded the hood tonight It' D Be warfare through Harlem, and Washington Heights I wouldn' T Be fightin' for Bush gold White America' S dream I' D Be fightin' for my people' S survival and coil-esteem I wouldn' T fight for racist churches from the south, my nigga I' D Be fightin' to keep the occupation out, my nigga You ever clock someone who talk shit, but look At you wrong Imagine yew they shot At you, and was rapin' your moms And of race Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons We sold him that shit, after Ronald Reagan' S election Mercenary contractors fightin' has new will era Corporate military bankin' off the war one terror They controllin' the ghetto, with the failed attack Tryna distract the fact that they engineerin' the ace So I' m strapped like Lee Malvo holdin' has sniper riffle These bullets' ll touch your kids, and I don' T mean like Michael Your body Be feels to the mortuary, stripped down and recycled I fire one house niggaz that support you and like you innocent Cuz people get murdered in the struggle daily And poor shit and struggle daily This ain' T No alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real Written one the dollar underneath the Masonic seal (I don' T rap for dead presidents I' D rather see the president dead It' S never been said goal I set precedents) -- [Eminem ] Bin Laden didn' T blow up the projects (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] Bin Laden didn' T blow up the projects (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Bush knocked down the towers) -- [Jadakiss ] (Shady Records was 80 seconds away from the towers Some cowards fucked with the wrong building, like these in the American press: It Works the Same in Every Country. ¿.what the hell C these short props mean. Why didn' T I go to the University of Colorado well that' S one way of getting the message across. I hope somebody kills obama, we whose need has member. Hey thanks for the great blog, I coils this stuff. Video Unusual, goal very Nice regardless. Jimmy Carter Under Fire By US/Israel For Meeting W Racist Gun Lover Charlton Heston Dead Do the People Stand has Chance Against the Robots. Black Teenager Murdered by Police Wielding Tasers Highway Patrol Trooper: "I was trying to hit him" British COP Involved in the CIA Investigation Found De. Pigs Taser Woman While She is Restrained one Ground. Bin Laden Didn'.t Blow Up the Projects It Works the Same in Every Country COP Caught one Camera Planting Drugs one Suspect GOP Response to Video Obama - NO YOU CAN'.T. Are They Trying to Kill Obama. Vicious Beating of Handcuffed Woman by Police Offi. The Death Penalty in the United States Will COP Who Tasered Motorist in Utah Be Fired. COP Crates and Pushes 14 Year Old Latest Anti-Pot Quack Science: '.Marijuana Makes Yo. The McCain version of that video Obama. Democrats did NOT try to end the war Ron Paul Declares War one Workers More Information one Forced Stripping of Physical A. Male Officers Who Strip Searched Woman Being Sued Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) Propose Punishing Berke. NBC (Owned by Arms To manufacture GE) Disinvites Kuc. Chamber of Commerce Takes Aim At Pesky Populists Sean Hannity Followed by Ron Paul Supporters Angry. Give Kucinich asks that Iowa voters second bundle. Conservative Andrew Sullivan: Bush is has war crimin. '.Tis the Season to ROCK'N'ROLL OUT. VIDEO: ' It did not take fifty bullets to realize No one' S shooting back' GOES official denies ' fuzzy maths effort to hide attempts to end lives GOP now considers Obama has liability for ticket Democrats to alienate black, wealthy bases. Sharpton: Jury trial for Bell cops party for socialism and release Subcomandante Marcos and other Zapatistas traveling through has village in Mexico City Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear. There are drank three ways for the rabble to escape its wretched batch. The first two are by the roads of the wine-shop social gold the church. the third is by that of the revolution. Those who suppress freedom always C so in the name of law and order. Wall Street owns the country. The great common people of this country are Slavic, and monopoly is the master.Let the bloodhounds of money who cuts dogged custom thus far beware. At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by has great feeling of coils. Impossible It is to think of has genuine revolutionary lacking this quality. When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name anti-fascism of. There is No other definition of socialism valid for custom than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man. When fascism comes to America, it will Be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross-country race - Sinclair Lewis In capital middle-class man society is independent and has individuality, while the living room person is dependent and has No individuality. This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they edge exercise to their constitutional right of amending it, but to their revolutionary right to dismember gold overthrow it. Yew you trembles indignation At every injustice then you are has comrade of mine modified and converted to Blogger Beta by. No leaves of the content gold the blog may Be reproduced without prior.
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